Our heart as a school is to serve and pray for our immediate community but also the greater community.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16
How do we reach out?
Through serving our community and giving from what we have/make, whilst sharing the love of Jesus to a world in need.
In the last year we have been involved in the following projects:
- We have our annual marshmallow Easter egg drive that where we work with Africa Food for Thought and collected over 10 000 eggs this year.
- We also believe in praying for our community and to encouraging them. We made posters with encouraging messages for our local security company, Beagle watch and prayed for them.
- We did the same for the Fairland Police station where the posters can be seen posted up at the station since 2022. This year we went back and took some butternut soup & bread sticks to let them know that we appreciate what they do.
- Linda and Devon, from FORA SA, came to collect all the pet food, blankets, bowls, leashes and toys that were collected for the NWCS Outreach project. FORA SA as well as Lynette Nicholson’s Kitty Rescue benefitted from this project.
- The NWCS community has made a very real difference in the lives of 15 young foster children from LIV Village (Lanseria). It has been a privilege to be part of the ‘Knit a Square Project’ that has made a heartwarming and lasting impact. LIV Village (Lanseria) and its community have expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all who have lifted them up in this very practical way by bringing some comfort and warmth to these foster children who are currently under their care. The grade 4-7 outreach learners knitted and wrapped the blankets in special coloured paper with words of encouragement and we prayed for them.
- NWCS’s Outreach Team puts together a ‘Best-wishes-for-the-final-exams’ parcel for all of our past-pupils who are currently in matric. These are distributed at the different high schools and mean a great deal to all of these ‘young adults’.
- Our school and Outreach Team annually participates in the ‘Christmas Party in a Box’ project. We collect age-appropriate gifts for less fortunate children from different children’s homes and send along sweets and treats for them to enjoy at their Christmas parties.